Giovanni's Recent and Past Sex tapes and his Drag Past!
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We really was going to write something about these findings we found of the attention seeker, Giovanni.
But, we are not sitting here making these video edits and uncovering someone's past to be talking ill of someone.
Mind you this is NOT the first time we posted on Gio.
Eye Candy is Eye Candy and this is what Manzzle has always tried to show.
Links to other Giovanni posts:
Latest clips and nudes of Giovannie
Either way we are sure someone, will hit us up with something like "We hating on Gio".
We are only showing you stuff he himself has shared, just not so easily found.
It sure as hell did come to a surprise to us to actually see Gio (aka Lethal Adonis) in full drag. We heard rumors of such things but seeing it was shocking to us.
Either way, the past is past and he appears to not be the same drag person he was back when he lived in Connecticut.
Also finally seeing him in action sexually was nice to see.
They say he loves the attention, well this post should bring him some attention, good and bad, take it all!
That said, below is a video preview we put together.
Take it in however you feel.
For all the SEX VIDEO CLIPS and the DRAG VIDEOS,
view them on
Sex Video Clips Preview:
Thumbnail screen shots of the videos: