Feds can do Anything!
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Wow, I can not even believe this shit.
Getting arrested and by Federal people for a search done onto your house from the Department of Edu-fucking-ation Education for defaulting on your student loan.
What next huh? We, or at least I'm convinced that the Feds organized and plotted and fucking funded the 9/11 attack. Now they coming to collect money in a harsh way.
Quick fact folks.
- The US dollar that you have in your hands is a legal promised loan the "States" have with the Federal Government.
- Money = Debt!.
Every single dollar in your wallet is owed to somebody by somebody, for remember, the only way that money can come into existence is from loans.
There fore if everyone in the country was able to pay off all debts, including the government, there would not be one dollar in circulation! -
The last time in American History the National Debt was completely paid off, was in 1835 after President Andrew Jackson shut down the Central Bank that proceeded the Federal Reserve. In fact, Jackson's entire political platform is centrally revolved around his commitment to shut down the Central Bank stating at one point:
Really you guys should educate yourself and fucking open your eyes to what America is blinding you with. People outside of America hate us and they have a right to.
Since the Federal Government has no control over the Internet it is here, the Internet, that is the best source of finding "real" news. They do control what is put out to the public, such as newspapers, and news broadcast.
In all I would recommend you guys to watch the documentaries called Zeitgeist parts 1, 2 and 3.
Here is Part 2 called Zeitgeist: Addendum. It explains the United States Monetary System.
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