Instagram Socialites Exposed: AJ (Lorenzo) and JonJonLamar
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Don't be too quick to think that these instagram folks really got that money in a all clothes on manner!
Before we begin this post we wanted to say we made this post because FunkyDineva had gotten us to thinking exactly how these people be affording these things too. We really could careless as to how these people make their money but when asked and they get ghost it raises suspensions to us at Manzzle. If your working a regular suit and tie 9 to 5 job or pulling 80 hour weeks or if your escorting, shaking your ass in string thongs on top of a bar or even if your getting poked or doing the poking in someones butt or pussy and being paid for it. We'd just like to say own up to it. If that's what you do to make your money, that's fine with us and Manzzle is not judging. Make your money anyhow you can as long as your not hurting or killing someone to obtain that money.
With all that said lets mention this one guy we've been eying for some years now.
He goes by AJ or Lorenzo Kaiden.
His real name, althou at the time of typing this post it's not coming to mind.
On AJ's instagram you'll find him driving Rolls Royce, Bentley and S-class Benz amongst other cars. He also shows off stacks of money that looks like it is actually is his. When we say stacks, I mean at least 250K or more all yellow labels. He also will show off his sneaker collection while in some major shoe closet in a house that he boasted he had made.
What we at Manzzle don't get is what exactly does this man do to afford all this when not long ago he was at the gay and straight bars and also on well known muscle websites jerking and nutting and all that good stuff?
When asked he never has an answer either. Just more of his Cartier golden wrist bangle in some more pictures with more over priced sneakers.
That just leads us to think that your in the same category as this next guy,
Jonathan Green aka JonJonLamar.
Being Kept By A Transsexual Woman + xxx Pics & Videos
The below content is from FunkyDineva.
These Hoes wanna be celebrity’s so I guess they aren’t exempt from their x-rated videos being leaked…
See y’all hoes need to be more careful. You can’t be tootsie rolling your ass around damn Instagram trying to give us low self esteem about our damn selves cause we can’t buy Chanel and Louboutin, then pussy poppin yo ass on all fours in the bathroom spreading your ass cheeks to the Gawds. No Gawd Hunty. Then have the nerve to send the video to the girls via the social media dating apps and the email, along with pictures of your ding dong (which is very suckable btw). What trips me out is buddy tried to make it seem like he was in some ole outstanding long term relationship. Girl Bye…
Instagram Socialites Exposed: JonJonLamar. You Fine, But Not That Damn Fine. Where U Getting All This Sh!t From?
Well I guess whomever JonJon was kicking it with on the side, and allegedly sending his naked picture to did not appreciate being relegated to a mere sidepiece. The scorned sidepiece sent The Doll an email with two pictures attached that read “Since he’s in a 3 yr relationship lol”.
You can see the pictures down below. Things didn’t stop the there. The keeper of JonJonLamars semi-precious jewels subsequently sent me multiple emails with pictures, video, and incriminating text messages. Now when I went to Florida State University and got this here degree in Economics, they did teach me a little something about math. JonJonLamar let it be known IN DECEMBER that he was in a 3 year relationship. In the email I was forwarded where he allegedly sent someone his nude pictures, JonJonLarmar’s email was dated sometime in November. Either they’ve created some new math that I don’t know anything about, OR someone is in one of those newfangled open relationships, or this negro is just shady.
The real gag is this mofo is laying up with a transsexual woman who is allegedly sucking and f$cking on the corner of 79th street and 7th avenue in Miami and bringing JonJon back her money. While miss thing is blowing d*cks, JonJon is blowing racks in Niehmans. Now look, let me tell youl hoes something. I don’t make the news, I just report it.
I really don’t even know what to think of this update. I had to call some of the Florida Girls to do some further investigation on where all this money and Louboutin’s . Girl quiet as its kept, they say Mr. JonJonLamar is in a loving, lasting, long term relationship with a transsexual woman by the name of Jonay Collins. Girl they say Jonay Collins struts her stuff on the catwalk, the boulevard, and the avenue in an attempt to get the rich White menz and get her hands on their credit cards. They say Jonay gives the rich White menz something they can feel, and while they’re sleep ,after she done put that pussy made of clay on them, that she takes their credit cards and gives them to JonJon.
One of the Jacksonville girls called me to let me know that allegedly at times, JonJon has been so broke, that he has had to call up to Jacksonville to ask Jonay and whomever else would answer his call for money to eat with. Chile this story is too messy hunty! From the looks of JonJonLamar’s Instagram page, he has still had a very merry Christmas. Chile, I guess Miss Jonay Collins has been selling plastic pussy all up and down the Florida coast, in an effort to support this big ole fine, light skin, Debarge, Christoff St. John lookin nukka.
I’ve included copies of several of the emails that I have received pertaining to this investigation.
Check out the chest tatoo
Disclaimer: I can’t confirm or deny if these pictures and videos are actually of Jonathon Green aka JonJonLamar. The do do strike an uncanny resemblance. You take a look and be the judge…
Warning, once you click this link, things become X-rated and are NOT SAFE FOR WORK
CLICK HERE ———JonJonLamar making his ass clap video, ALLEGEDLY
If link does not work, copy and paste the below link:
CLICK HERE ———JonJonLamar nude pictures, ALLEGEDLY
If link does not work, copy and paste the below link:
IRS FRAUD HOTLINE – 1-800-829-0433
Let this be a lesson to all. While y’all are sitting around idolizing these hoes on Instagram and comparing their lives to yours for what they have, and you don’t have, STOP. Quiet as it’s kept, their asses don’t have it either. This ain’t their shit! This is Barbara Wilonoski’s stuff and Peter Cohens’s shit! No tea no shade. although the intimate details of someone’s overall financial picture is not anyone’s business, it is not unreasonable for it to be public knowledge how someone makes their living. Beyonce is an entertainer, Kandi is a song writer, I’m a Blogger, and Nessa works at the post office. If a b!tch is on instagram with all the fashions, cars, and fine dinning without a PUBLIC or VERIFIABLE source of income, that bitch is f&cking or frauding! CASE CLOSED
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