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Manzzle was watching this movie called "Chronicle" (Trailer Below) and noticed how one of the main stars of the movie, Michael B. Jordan, looked as if he could be related to porn actor, Tyson Kobie.

Don't they look like they could be family?

(Please Do leave A Comment)

Michael B. Jordan on left and Tyson Kobie aka Terrance Harris on the right!

MichaelBJordan Chronicle3Tyson Kobie


The movie "Chronicle" was okay. It's a good watch, but Manzzle was left with wanting more. Like Manzzle wanted to know more of what the glowing crystal, moving rock, was in the ground.

Anyway, you should make it a DVD night and watch it if you haven't already.

Chronicle Cover


- Trailer -


- Tyson Kobie -

Tyson Kobie

Tyson Kobie


- Michael B. Jordan -

Michael B Jordan

Michael B Jordan

Michael B JordanMichael B Jordan

Michael B JordanMichael B Jordan

Michael B JordanMichael B Jordan


More Pictures of Both Men After The Break.



- Michael B. Jordan -

Michael B Jordan

MichaelBJordan Chronicle1

MichaelBJordan Chronicle2

MichaelBJordan Chronicle3

MichaelBJordan Chronicle4

Michael B Jordan

Michael B Jordan

Michael B Jordan

Michael B Jordan


- Tyson Kobie aka Terrance Harris -

Tyson Kobie

Tyson Kobie

Tyson Kobie

Tyson Kobie

Tyson KobieTyson Kobie

Tyson KobieTyson Kobie

Tyson Kobie

Tyson KobieTyson Kobie

Tyson Kobie

Tyson KobieTyson Kobie

Tyson Kobie

Tyson Kobie

Tyson KobieTyson Kobie

Tyson Kobie