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We mentioned this hottie on our old Tumblr page.

LINK to our New Tumblr page.


12145099 1081833105202669 790342280 n

 12407301 1109568172389691 188831316 n


This thick muscular papi goes by the name Russo, but in the Nude gay group webcam show he did in February 2016, he was called Jacob.

Russo is staying in Mexico and we believe he is from Venezuela.

He is undeniably a sexy fucker.


Gif 1

Gif 2

Gif 2


Video Compilation:


Nude Group Webcam Preview:



Full video is over 1 hour long.

Members see more GIFS & NUDE HARD DICK PIC below:


11906220 976615515752159 1301543420 n

1389745 1945848485640828 1611401397 n

1516396 1760259600871744 1491436386 n

12407657 1089031444448578 367896518 n

12445830 1684736435125471 1978356886 n

12547510 1051955138203058 954212730 n

12552314 1505417553098089 990309516 n

12552317 200776140276096 2032591868 n

 12747678 811849475608523 768138821 n

12965110 603803619772166 2087739074 n

12976563 1594351324213944 1070255338 n

12976584 779472802154557 964811324 n

13099116 1565888407075308 1970457038 n

13188101 1562361087393981 843327673 n

13266876 605553109606985 1644282782 n

 Members see more GIFS & NUDE HARD DICK PIC below:




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