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Most of you very young ladies already know who the following guy is.

To all others, this is Pedro Borrell Jr.

A typical young Dominican from New York.








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What's so special about him, we are not sure. We are not saying that we don't find him appealing but compared to his friend, the other young muscle Dominican (pictured below) that goes by Maravilla3x.

Well Maravilla3x stands out much more. He has a very strong face that we can picture doing great work with model agencies.


Maravilla3x sept2015 1

Maravilla3x sept2015 2Maravilla3x sept2015 3

Maravilla and Pedro BorrellJr

Maravilla and Pedro BorrellJr 2


Well any-who, this blog is on Pedro Borrell. A few people have asked us to add Pedro's recent video leak of him jerking off.

It's a very short clip by-the-way but you sure enough see what he's working with clearly.






Members will find the uncensored screen grabs images below.


But here are 66 other pictures of Pedro Borrell:





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