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We at have had our eyes on this man named Ashley Cain.

At first we found out about him from watching the well known clip of Ashely running naked. We thought it was model David McIntosh because of the tattoos. But we soon noticed it wasn't David.


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Anyway, this bi-racial man we must say looks amazing. His attitude thou seems very cocky. He's young, still fucking around. Maybe one day a strong female will change him.

Until then, let the eye candy of Mr. Ashley Cain keep on.


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Below is a video we edited from one of this latest workout sessions with one of his short snap chat video of him being jerked off.

By the way, check out the ass on Ashley while acting a fool flexing with his buds. It's like huge as former porn star Francois Sagat's ass.


We must also give credit to the person who shared the jerking off video, Jezebel Boys.



You can view the very short uncensored clip of Ashley being stroked by some chick, link below:



Here are 2 other clips we have of Ashley:


We don't know much about Ashely expect that he's from the UK, was on MTV's "Ex On The Beach", formally a soccer player and now also DJ's.


 Below are a few pictures of Ashley Cain.


(These 2 images can be seen uncensored below for members only)

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Members can view the 2 uncensored images of above pictures below.




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