It's that time again. More celebrites caught nude.
Steph Jones, R&B singer and former boyfriend of Jordan Sparks, you know the dude with the red hair, light skin, freckle faced boy.
It's so good to know that Steph Jones has now been caught and boy oh boy he's packing nicely. All I can say is that it looks way better than what Chris Brown has.
Check out the pics after the break.
Steph has been teasing the gays his fans for years now with shirtless pics. Now we can see the meat and potatoes below and see that he's pretty much "Eye Candy". You can catch his music videos here on youtube.
Also on a side note, Steph Jones is signed to Ford Models.
Here is the email that came with the pics:
"I’m so tired of these wack ass celebs claiming to be innocent and holier than thou. Steph Jones is a typical industry nigga. He was fucking me while he was with Jordin Sparks. I went in his phone while he was in the bathroom and saw their texts. She is definitely not a virgin as she claims to be either because the texts I saw with her telling him she missed him and needed to feel him inside of her are definitely not the words of a virgin. Anyway. I would have kept these to myself but I’m so sick of seeing him pretend to be a saint on twitter that I decided to let the world see what a saint he truly is. His dick is big but he is selfish and doesn’t use it well. He acts like a bitch so it’s hard to really enjoy it."
Sounds like a hit and run! This girl must has been bitter.
So what yall think?