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Update [March 3, 2014 at 10pm]

Funeral Service for Quentin Elias:

Tuesday March 4, 2014 from 3-8pm.

Redden Funeral Home

325 W 14th Street.

New York, NY 10014

(212) 242-1456






This news is weird to Manzzle and it came as a shocker to find out about this news at 3am today!

Model and singer, Quentin Elias dies of a heart failure.

Quentin passed away in his home in New York on February 25, 2014.

He was only 33 years old and to Manzzle, looked like he could be a brother of actor Vin Diesel.







One of the first promo re-edit video (BELOW) Manzzle did featured Quentin as one of the 3 models including Robert Gonzalez and Scott Cullens.



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Two of Quentin's porn videos:


63 Pictures of Quentin Elias:



Recent music Videos of Quentin: